Saturday, October 20, 2007

Dis:Phlegm,Saliva,Cough , Insomnia:and I

Dear Dr. Kathrynne Holden,

I am glad that you are my respected doctor.

You are working hard for the awareness of Parkinson's patients..

In view of the above articles I am recently diagnosed that I have reflux acid. It causes saliva drooling from my mouth and excessive phlegm deep in my throat.

I have poor cough occasionally when I lie down at bed. My phlegm is thin as a glue. I do not have COPD (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease} as told by my Pulmonary specialist.

As what you have mentioned the Parkinson's medication known as agonises, such as Requip can cause bloating,saliva and phlegm deep in the throat that irritated with cough occasionally when one rests at bed.

I could not sleep at night and taking "Ativan "and it wear off in 3- 4 hours thus no relief from my early morning awakening.

I have consulted Lung Specialist for the treatment and am taking two doses of Prevacid 30 mg before food daily. As for my insomnia 2 doses of Ativan taking before bed time.

In this connection should I cut down the taking of Requip from 12 mg to 8 mg and substitute with one extra of Sinemet from two doses to three doses daily?

Sinemet is the wonder drug and is or one of the dopamine agonist doses late in the day are probably most beneficial preventing resumption of sleep in the middle of night due to the long duration of action of these compound.

However I am worry does the changes affecting my physically agility at the Gym?

In this connection kindly advise me on how to get away or substitute the taking "Ativan" for insomnia as it has side effect for regular users and could increase significant risks in the elderly like me.

It could develop over-sedation, confusion and balance impairment increasing the risk of falls.

Kindly advise me.

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