Sunday, May 9, 2010

Why did you join, and why do you use PLM?

The reasons why I join the PLM Forum because I wanted to tell the world how I fight my Parkinson's disease and hopefully send a message to the readers that there are people suffering from Parkinson disease ("PD") who need public awareness of the existence of PD and the effects physically, emotionally and mentally. With this PLM Forum, I hope to help PD patients to understand the disease and let them know that they are not alone.PD sufferers have movement disorders which could be misdiagnosed or misunderstood as effects of ageing. This misdiagnosis or misunderstanding can be unfortunate for PD patients as PD is a progressive disease whereby early treatment would slowdown the progression of the disease.There are also patients who are reluctant to accept they have PD when they are diagnosed by doctors as they consider themselves suffering from the effect of ageingAs far as I am aware, 2% of the world's population above the age of 60 years are PD sufferers . There are also a small percentage of younger persons who also develop the disease.There are 3 out of 1000 people age 50 and above suffering from this disorder. This number is likely to increase as the population ages.Besides, PD does not have any social, ethnic, economic or geographic boundaries either.I hope that my blog would share my experience on how I cope with PD and to counter /slowdown the degenerative effects of the disease.There are effective medication for the symptoms and patients who seek earlier treatment can continue to lead independent and fruitful lives.Exercise is also essential to the PD sufferer because of the need to maintain good muscle tone, strength and posture.

PLM forum has no boundary between country to country and the limit of what is acceptable or thought to be possible. It is a world organization consisting medical teams, businessmen who are generously give in kind and enjoy giving knowledges,times helping PD sufferers to aware the illness and mean and end to help them.

PLM make the world differences

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