Friday, August 27, 2010

Early onset -slower progression

It is difficulty to interpret what and how the symptoms of early onset-slower progression?

As PD is a bouquet disease and is individual that have motor and non motor symptoms.

They do not come at the same time or together it is individual and the timing is different too.

As for me my PD is genetic/inherited as I have two brothers are PD. They are at the rate of three and four of PD and are at fast progression. They are at the age of 56 and 76 years old.

I have the symptoms of PD when I was at younger age.

I was diagnosed at the age of 65 years old as PD

Due to my determination and perservation and knowledge of the disease and medication I learn to fight the disease to slowdown from its progression. I am lucky by Lord grace I manage to slowdown my motor symptoms by strenous exercises however I still have non motor symptoms I pray the Lord for wisdom to be able to overcome early. Kindly visit website (Heroteo- the chronicles of a parkinson's fighter ) .

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