Saturday, October 23, 2010

compression stockings and hypontremia

I have been diagnosed as suffering from fluctuations in my blood pressure (BP). I have taken the Upright Tilt Test, and the results confirm that my BP fluctuates depending on the various positions I am in.Due to my upright tilt table test conclusions

Asymptomatic through passsive tilting & given S/L GT
Postural hypotension 168/81 dropped to 91/51mmHg
Negative tilt table test

As a result, I put on compression stockings to stablelize my BP.
People who have low blood pressure may also be told by their doctors that they should make use of the compression stockings typically used to deal with varicose veins. Low blood pressure can cause a pooling of blood in the veins which may or may not lead to varicose veins. Compression stockings can reduce that problem and can help keep people with low blood pressure medically safe.

My previous blood clot (T.I.A) in the year 2008 was caused by this fluctuation in my blood.
The side effects on my parkinson's medicationn were also caused by this fluctuations in my blood i.e dizziness,lightheaded,nausea ,up and down, go and off. Some people have low blood pressure all the time. They have no symptoms and their low readings are normal for them. In other people, blood pressure drops below normal because of some event or medical condition. Some people may experience symptoms of low pressure when standing up too quickly. Low blood pressure is a problem only if it causes dizziness, fainting or in extreme cases, shockcauses dizziness, fainting extreme cases, shock.

Most normal blood pressures fall in the range of 90/60 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) to 130/80 mm Hg. But a significant drop, even as little as 20 mm Hg, can cause problems for some people.

How Is Orthostatic Hypotension Treated?
The first approach in treating orthostatic hypotension is to decrease the pooling of blood in the legs with the use of special stockings called compression stockings. These tight stockings “compress” the veins in the legs, helping to reduce swelling and increase blood flow. There now are a number of companies that make these stockings in a wide variety of sizes, and they usually can be found at stores that sell medical supplies, as well as at some pharmacies.

You should wear these stockings when you are up and about. You do not need to wear them when you are in bed. Further, it is recommend that you put the stockings on first thing in the morning while in bed and before getting up for your daily activities. It is important that you do not let the stockings bunch, gather, or roll, since this can compress the veins too much and could harm circulation. You should always watch for signs of decreased circulation, which could include discoloration of the skin, as well as pain or cramping, and numbness of the lower legs and feet.

If the stockings only provide some but not complete relief of symptoms, an abdominal binder can be used. The binder is another type of compression garment that is worn around the waist to help increase blood pressure. If these products fail to alleviate symptoms, certain drugs can be given to help increase blood volume. If you are taking these drugs, be sure to watch for signs of too much fluid in the body, such as swelling, bloating, or difficulty breathing. If these symptoms occur, call your doctor immediately

:Some suggestions for minimizing the effects include:

Standing up slowly rather than quickly, as the delay can give the blood vessels more time to constrict properly. This can help avoid incidents of syncope (fainting).
Take a deep breath and flex your abdominal muscles while rising to maintain blood and oxygen in the brain. This, however, may be contraindicated in individuals with Stage 2 hypertension. Usually medical personnel have their patients "dangle" before rising from bed to decrease the likelihood of dizziness/falling due to orthostatic hypotension. The dangling is done by having the patient sit on the side of their bed for about a minute so they do not have the sudden dizziness.
Maintaining an elevated salt intake, through sodium supplements or electrolyte-enriched drinks. A suggested value is 10 g per day; overuse can lead to hypertension and should be avoided.
Maintaining a proper fluid intake to prevent the effects of dehydration.
As eating lowers blood pressure, take your food in a larger number of smaller meals. Take extra care when standing after eating.
When orthostatic hypotension is caused by hypovolemia due to medications, the disorder may be reversed by adjusting the dosage or by discontinuing the medication.
When the condition is caused by prolonged bed rest, improvement may occur by sitting up with increasing frequency each day. In some cases, physical counterpressure such as elastic hose (stockings) or whole-body inflatable suits may be required.
Many people who experience orthostatic hypotension are able to recognise the symptoms and quickly adopt a "squat position" to avoid falling during an episode. This is because they are usually unable to co-ordinate a return to sitting in a chair, once the episode has commenced.
Avoiding bodily positions that impede blood flow, such as sitting with knees up to chest or crossing legs.
[edit] Prognosis


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